Anansi Storytime

Episode 25: Anansi, Coyote, and the Magic Radio



Culture: Uncultured An Original Story, based on classic characters (and wacky parodies) Summary: Hi! I'm Coyote and I'm... Gonna step in for a second to talk about what happened. You see, I was trying to come talk to my friend Anansi when... well then after that you see... then... oh! A radio! When I turned it on... Oh... yeah I probably shouldn't have done that. Production: * Writer - Scooter, LJ Donnell, Max Baskin, Thomas Sixten * Director - Hank Romanesco * SFX, Master - David Allen * Rends Music - Joe Griffin Players: * Andrew Whitby - Coyote, Commericals Voices * Erik Van Der Geotz - Commericals Voices * JC Lira - Merry Man * Kjatar Tavishen - Anansi, Commericals Voices * LJ Donnell - Commericals Voices, Sin-derella * Lynne Parsons - Commericals Voices * Matt “Olaf” Hinton - Commericals Voices, Narrator * Max Baskin - Commericals Voices, Lost Boy * Scooter - Commericals Voices * Shannon Woods - Siren * Thomas Sixten - Commericals Voices Special Guests: Andrew Whitby, David Allen, Erik van der Goetz,