Anansi Storytime

Episode 3: Why The Sea Is Salt



Culture: Norway Based on a Story by: Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe Summary: The tale of two brothers' misadventure with a magical handmill. Production: * Writer: Scooter * Director: Hank Romanesco * Engineer: DJ Drummond Players: * Aine Connelly - Poor Brother's Wife * Andrew Whitby - Poor Brother * Brannen - Narrator * Chris G - Rich Brother * Matt “Olaf” Hinton - Skipper * Morgan Hazelwood - Rich Brother's Wife * Scott Smith - Old Man Special Guests: Aine Connelly, Andrew Whitby, Brannen, Chris G, DJ Drummond, Hank Romanesco, Matt "Olaf" Hinton, Morgan Hazelwood, and Scott Smith.