

Listener guest Clare Hanbury takes Own It! with her when she travels all over the world with her charity, Children for Health.   In The Show Nicola has been without internet for nearly a week but her new website went live today. Yay! What do listeners think? She’s invited those in the Own It! Facebook Group to let her know. Judith has moved into gorgeous spacious luxury in beautiful Suffolk and is looking after a lovely little furry soulmate called Gracie who greeted her with vomiting up her breakfast.   What’s Fuelled Their Fire? Judith is staying in the home of a writer which has caused her to think long and hard about communication in the written word, books, instructions, information and more. Nicola is excited to see whether the new version of her website performs better than her old one when it comes to Google Ads.   Focus Of The Week Listener guest Clare Hanbury takes Own It! with her when she travels all over the world with her charity, Children for Health. She shares why she enjoys the podcast on her