
Laura Rich - Exit Club | Leap Ep.17



Laura Rich, a three-time entrepreneur, found herself in a space of uncertainty and sadness and was unsure of what the next step was going to be after she sold her most recent business. In her own words: she sold her baby. While celebrating the sale of the business she birthed, her friend confronted her and asked her why she wasn't happy and what was missing. It was spending time in that thought that she realized there are other entrepreneurs in exit that feel the very same way that she did -- lost and confused after the exit. This was the birth of her most recent venture, Exit Club, which focuses on the social and emotional community and coaching of exiter's and how they too can find their way to their next big venture. To find out more, you can check out Laura's website at https://exitclub.co/ or find her on Twitter @laurarich ---- To learn more about Leap, the podcast and coaching services, please join us on our LEAP Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/whatsyourleap/ Schedule a Discovery Call