Communicast - Podcast About Communities

1. Communicast - Richard Millington



When was the last time you got 13 lessons in 51 minutes from a world expert in online communities? This week I met Richard Millington, CEO & Co-Founder of FeverBee: Intelligent Engagement And Behavior Change. We had an interesting talk about the latest trends in the communities’ world and the secrets of the master. I heard from him about his first community and the interned with Seth Godin. He also explained to me why everyone measure engagement the wrong way and that Google and Facebook can’t measure communities (but other tools can!). We talked about the war for attention in the online world and how to win it, the story about John, how to be a community manager and whether it’s for everyone, why community managers should take a psychology course, the ABCD model and the lesson Rich learned from the Israeli scene. It was hot!