Day Fire Podcast

Forever Strong



In June of 2018 Grace Ragland set off on the Grand Depart to mountain bike the Tour Divide from Banff, Canada to Antelope Wells, New Mexico, which is 2725 miles. Part of Grace's trip was to bring awareness to her life long battle with MS. The training and preparation was over and now it was time to go, but something was a little off. From day one this elite highly experienced mountain biker was experiencing a sudden cold and fatigue and had to pull up and rest a few days. Now alone with the race out in front of her, Grace's race begins and nothing is going to stand in her way! Grace's successful journey on the Great Divide is a story in itself, but she was unaware of the cancer in her body. Like all things with Grace, cancer was no match. So her battle began and after all the chemo and months in and out of the hospital she has been set free to once again roam, and roaming is what she is going to do! We love you Grace, you light up our world! Thanks for listening! Find all our episodes at T