Show With No Name

SWNN Interview - Jack J Bonza



Alex is lucky enough to interview Jack J Bonza, in the lead up to PWA “All Eyez on Troy” which is this Friday night at Max Watts, you can find tickets at Alex and Jack, jump all over the place in this fascinating conversation, where Jack talks about his love for pro wrestling; Why he is chasing this dream His early days breaking into wrestling His life outside of wrestling Why New Japan is his goal and not WWE Why it is such an important / exciting time to be a wrestler as well as a fan The importance of this months New Japan show in Sydney His early days of wrestling and why the fundementals he learnt early on with Booker T, were so important to him down the line. His thoughts on why Australian wrestling is about to be in a boom period, and how it came from where it was to where it is now. Plus why intergender wrestling has its role to play in the current climate of wrestling outside of WWE. They also get into his upcoming matches in the next few weeks over many