Moms, Coffee And Chaos

Ep 18: Non-Toxic Living AKA Crunchy Life with Amie Cartwright



Amie is a wife, and momma of 3 sweet little boys and is all about living a non-toxic AKA Crunchy lifestyle. For health and personal/family reasons, shortly before having her babies she decided to switch to all safe, healthy products for her and her family. This seems like it would be a simple decision and of course something that all mommas work toward but the fact of the matter is we all have the best intentions but until you look at the specific ingredients you really don't know what's in it.  Amie explains the dynamic in her family with 3 boys, some super cute stories and how everything you do, from healthy living to your relationship with your husband, really does affect your kids and that they are watching. Check out the website for show notes and a list of Amie's favorite products and brands.