That Vet Life

25 - Mentoring the next generation, with Dr. Tannetje Crocker



Today on the show I am excited to share the mic with Dr. Tannetje Crocker @dr.tannetje.crocker to chat about the hot topic of Mentorship!  .  Dr. Crocker is an equine turned small animal vet and speaker who is a positive proponent for mentorship in the veterinary profession. As you will hear in today’s episode, the mentors in Dr. Crocker’s life have played such a key role in helping her create her journey in vet med. It was relationships like these that inspired and encouraged her to find ways of helping other vets and vet students to develop mentor-mentee relationships.  .  With mentorship becoming a common theme in the vet community we decided to sit down and discuss some of the big questions surrounding the topic. Today we will answer questions like:  What is mentorship?  How do I find a mentor?  Who can be a mentor?  How do I become a mentor?  How can I be a good mentee?  . I had such a fun time chatting with Dr. Crocker and I am so excited for y