Southern Rogue

Elizabeth Melton | True Growth Consulting, Part 1



Turn Vision Into Action. This week’s episode is Part I of an interview with Elizabeth Melton of True Growth Consulting. Elizabeth began her career in field marketing and worked in the world of natural foods. Liz loved her work, but felt drawn to do something more. Earlier this year, she started her business. At True Growth, Elizabeth works with clients to develop strategies, a network, and an action plan for true success. Starting a business isn’t easy, but Elizabeth feels that learning to manage rejection and being vulnerable is key. And to those who want to start a business or want to take a risk in their personal or professional lives but aren’t quite ready, Elizabeth says to invest in yourself in any way possible. Read books, get resume help, write a business plan. Be resourceful.  If you’re interested in learning more about True Growth or know someone who is interested in working with a business consultant, check out the website, Elizabeth is also on IG at @truegrowthcons