Greetings From Allentown

25. NWA Worldwide 09-24-1988



This week Greetings From Allentown takes its first peek at Jim Crockett Promotions with a look at NWA Worldwide from September 24, 1988! - An overview of the dying days of JCP, struggling to hang on long enough to be sold to Turner - The huge issue that the financial problems caused with long term booking - Dusty Rhodes in late 1988: contender for the most annoying babyface ever - Who is John Ayers and why is he here, and what happened that might explain a big 1989 storyline in kayfabe - Complaints about the “squash-promo-squash-promo-repeat” format of the Crockett TVs of the time period - Dr. Death Steve Williams with a promo for the ages - The hindsight hilarity of Rick Steiner being bullied - Ron Simmons: Drug warrior or just a spokesman for D.A.R.E.? - Celebrating babyface Jim Cornette going all loose cannon and mentioning those who shall not be named Also: - Five things from 1984’s The Karate Kid that will enhance your viewing experience - How the Reagan-Gorbachev thaw in US-Soviet tensions ruined the