Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

26. truth be told



Don’t believe the storyteller, the voice of knowledge in your head, especially when the voice is going against you. Listen to yourself, listen to your story, but don’t believe it because the story you are writing is mostly fiction. It isn’t real. The lies in your story can only survive if you believe them. If you don’t believe them, they won't survive your skepticism and will simply disappear. — don Miguel Ruiz This week. I'm keeping it real and sharing the TRUTH about not showing up to the podcast each week. Hint... My brain has been running amuck. Let's check in Can you relate? Is there something you committed to doing, exploring... being... but 'quietly' just stopped? Ask the page, and see what comes up for you.  xx Kim p.s. Have you written your Tiny Little Miracle list? We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.' — Buddah