Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Reaching Your Peak – Staying on the Summit



Remember those too-brief times when you operated at your absolute peak performance?  The right decisions, words, solutions just seem to come.  Remember feeling exhilarated and surprising yourself with your own level of production? And then it seemed to fade. Well, hitting these peaks is no mystery, nor matter of luck, insists Dr. George Watts, psychologist, Board Chair of Top Line Talent, and veteran business coach to global 500 C-suiters.  Host Bart Jackson invites Dr. Watts on to lay out tactics and an overall strategy for erecting a peak performance platform.  No cheerleading here – this is very real. Employing a series of uncommonly sensible attitude adjustments, and planned disciplines, Watts sets the path for your further achievement.  Tune in and learn how to sustain that business excitement we all crave so much.