Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

Old, Stand-alone Firms Topple – Here’s What’s Next, Ecosystem Business



Ralph Welborn insists that a business revolution is underway that will make the old, stand-alone firm profitably passé and replaced with the ecosystem model. Instead of grinding out the stuff that a company makes best, forward thinking businesses are now seeking out major problems, actively collaborating with other firms to build solutions, add value, and grow exponentially. Host Bart Jackson invites globally-noted business strategist Welborn to explain how firms are morphing into cooperative ecosystems which unlock greater value – and rewards. Together they discuss Welborn’s latest book Toppel which details how the new business ecosystem works and how firms of all sizes may successfully ride this new wave of future. Tune in and learn what Amazon, Morgan Stanley, and Berkshire Hathaway are cooking up – and how your firm can beneficially adopt this new model.