Office Talk With Annette Stepanian

Ep. 094: Understanding Copyrights



When the topic of copyrights comes up, there are a lot of questions! Are a copyright and a trademark the same thing? Can I copyright an idea? How can I monetize my copyrighted content? In this episode, I’ll simplify copyrights using another food analogy and a Harry Potter reference. If you create content (think: written work, visual designs, photographs, digital designs, and more) this episode is for you! To learn more and get the show notes, visit:   Disclaimer:  This content is for your educational and informational purposes only and should not take the place of hiring an attorney. It does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between you and Annette Stepanian.  Neither receipt of information presented nor any email or other electronic communication submitted or received will create an attorney-client relationship with Annette Stepanian. Any information that you provide by reason of your use of this content is not privileged or confidential.  The law varies from stat