Cook With Me

S1E55: Wine & Chocolate



S1E55: Wine & Chocolate Recipe: Paleo Folly Winer Chili with Unsweetened Chocolate (Feeds 2) Get full ingredient lists Sunday mornings, plus calorie and macronutrient counts for all CWM recipes, on my Patreon page! For tonight's recipe, you'll need: EQUIPMENT: lg pot, lg pan, cutting board, sharp knife, optional mixing bowl BASICS: salt, pepper, olive oil MEAT: 1lb cubed chuck or stew meat PRODUCE: 1/2 red onion, 1 bunch fresh cilantro, 3-5 cloves garlic CANS & JARS: 2 sm jars diced green chiles, 1 can black beans, 1 can pinto beans, 1 can tomato sauce, 1 cup red cooking wine, 1 cup beef stock DRY & PACKAGED: 1/4 bar dark unsweetened chocolate ADD'L SEASONINGS: cumin, oregano