Corrie Lo Radio

Ep. 29 - The Authentic Way to Make Selling Less Shameful



The days of the cliche, pushy salesmen are over.  It’s time for a new definition of selling. One where it’s about providing the right service at the right price, instead of selling just to make a bottom line. If the thought of asking for a sale makes you feel ashamed, this episode is for you.  Today I’m going to be reviewing a strategy to sales that works each and every time because it puts the customer first.  After, you’ll naturally start closing more customers because you won’t just be asking for a sale, but also solving a problem they need a solution for.   Don’t forget to stop by, where we answer questions you may have about the episode. If you enjoy this video, don’t forget to subscribe and get even more inspirational tips, resources, and interviews for leading a more emotionally fulfilling life at