Standing In The 6ix

#28 How Safe Are You?



So many of us walk the streets clueless to our surroundings. We’re either on our phones or have earphones in our ears, taking for granted our seemingly safe environment. Is it really as safe as we think it is though? Depending on who you speak to you will likely receive varying answers, but one thing is for sure. The safety we experience is due to the many people behind the scenes risking their own. This being said, who is your first line of defence? You are. Yes, you read that correctly. Truthfully, most people have absolutely no idea how to avoid harmful situations. Allow us to introduce you to TJ Kennedy & Boris Milinkovich of Greyman Security. If there’s one thing they’ve mastered it’s teaching personal security. Now offering workshops like Stealth Communication Tactics I & II and Urban Survival I & II, TJ and Boris aim to enlighten the masses. If you want to ensure you’re ‘first line of defence’ is the best around, attend their conference from October 18 - 20. Ladies and gentlemen, TJ and Bor