Saints Unscripted

An Ex Ex-Mormon's Story, feat. Dusty Smith



Today we talk to a member of the church who, at one point in his life, was an ex-mormon. Dusty Smith shares his story of why he left and what caused him to come back to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and be re-baptized.  Dusty Smith, a lawyer from Texas, starts the show by talking about his early days of being a member of the church. When a close friend's child passed away, he questioned God's existence. How could God just let something like that happen?  Soon, Dusty became very effective in disproving certain aspects of church history. Through his endeavors to disprove the church, he met someone who would get into very heated debates about the validity of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints with him. But the two soon became friends, despite their differences.  Through a series of events and miracles Dusty soon came to believe that the Church was true. He explains each of these miraculous events in his own words, and he also talks about the role that faith had in