#relationshipwoes With Danie + Friends

Where TF Is My Village?



A few weeks ago I went to the beach with my family. It made me realize just how much I had isolated myself from my family after having my daughter. I had two different conversations about it and how they wanted to support me with her so that my marriage can thrive. Quick Backstory: My daughter Lyric has Autism. She was diagnosed around 2 years old she’s now 4 but all within the course of 5 years my life drastically changed. A month after I got married I found out I was pregnant. I  was sick for 6.5 months. Then she was born and EVERYTHING was increasingly difficult from not sleeping at all (me, baby, or husband) to postpartum depression. It’s been a tough and lonely road but now that we have a handle on MOST things it feels good to have people willing want to support. I didn’t know how to ask for help so I stayed away. The irony of it all was I was already going to drop this episode but I'm elated to know that there's a rainbow at the end of this storm. I've been screaming “where TF is my village” for so long