Full Exposure With Brian Kelly

Adrian "AB" Butler - DJ and Clothing Designer



Adrian “AB” Butler is a DJ, streetwear designer, rapper and music producer based in West Michigan. He’s successfully merged all of these diverse natural talents into a business enterprise that continues to grow and evolve year after year. So what keeps a multi-faceted guy like AB up at night? Turns out I’m really glad I asked him during this episode…because it’s a mix of a lot of different stuff. Sometimes it’s the constant fountain of ideas running through his head, or the pressures of running a business, and at times it’s the adjustment to recently becoming a “sit-com dad” with three children of very diverse ages. AB’s legendary DJ sets are a cool mix of timeless classics, underground bangers, and everyone’s favorite songs that can often turn the stiffest corporate parties into a late night rager. He seamlessly blends the new and the old, criss-crossing genres and tapping into a deep understanding of what gets people up out of their seats and onto the dance floor. But the heart of this episode is his love o