Kehlag: Living In Fierce Alignment

E #25 - overcoming addiction through living fiercely with love



Episode #25 is all about Kehla interviewing Janessa who vulnerably shares her story of overcoming drug addiction since the age of 13. We converse about what it took for her to break through this repeated destructive behaviour & what positive discoveries she’s had through addiction Overall this is a beautiful conversation of how Janessa learned the things she needed to let go of or add to her life in order to authentically live a life that she loves full of intentionality, purpose & impact If you're feeling these high vibe conversations & insights from Kehla’s podcast episodes you can join Kehla's facebook group for more free content & free workshops:  'finding & holding your rhythm'  The content & workshops in Kehla's group are all about eliminating your self limiting beliefs, self-doubts & self-sabotage so you can get on track to designing a life you love & become the total badass you know you are Also, please follow Kehla on instagram: @kehlagmindsetcoaching for more content