Mashreads Podcast

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and our favorite sci-fi books



This week on the MashReads Podcast, we read and discuss Douglas Adam's classic sci-fi novel 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Then, inspired by the novel, we chat about our favorite sci-fi including 'Snow Crash' by Neal Stephenson, 'Station Eleven' by Emily St. John Mandel, 'The Afterlives' by Thomas Pierce, 'Neuromancer' by William Gibson, Kindred' by Octavia Butler, and 'Annihilation' by Jeff Vandermeer. Then as always, we close the show with recommendations: Martha recommends the movie Kodachrome with Elizabeth Olsen and Jason Sudeikis. Peter recommends Ta-Nehisi Coates' new essay 'I'm Not Black, I'm Kanye.' MJ recommends Slate's new podcast Decoder Ringer, and specifically their episode Laff Box, which is all about the history of the laugh track.