Crushing It

#10 (UT) | Solar Power, Electric Vehicles, & Running Two Startups at Once | Mandeep Patel



Today we have a very special guest. He’s an engineer at heart, has a sharp mind for business, and is currently the founder of ElecTrip – a company that does door to door transportation between cities in Tesla Model Xs. He is also the co-founder of SunCo – a company centered on increasing solar adoption in homes. ElecTrip is currently worth $250,000 – has a projected valuation of $1.5 million by the end of 2019 and Sunco is currently valued at about $450,000. He has worked at various companies in the past such as NASA, United Airlines, BP, LockHeed Martin – and is now looking to take his own companies Elctrip & Sunco, to the next level.