Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

Tzolkien Mayan Calendar & ORBS with Sky Pedersen



Sky rarely gives interviews, but she agreed to speak with me last April. I had such a fascinating interview with Sky that I have invited her to come speak with us again - and she agreed. Sky has lived on an Indian Reservation for the past thirty years, and practices shamanism. She has been contacted by a consciousness that seems to be related to the Ancient Mayans. Part of that experience has been her learning and teaching a "language of light" from them, and it also has to do with seeing orbs and also capturing them on film. She says orbs are a path to ascension. Her blog and her photos of orbs are just fascinating. Here is what Sky has to say about her work, "I am a Celestial Light Carrier. Since 1994, I have been communicating with a consciousness that incorporates the (classic) Tzol’kin Mayan Calendar as an ascension pathway. This consciousness became visible in my digital media after engaging these light language frequencies while synchronizing with the sacred daily energies through 3 calendar rounds.