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New York Times Best Selling Author J. Courtney Sullivan | Star Profile



Commencement | 02 November 2010What's Your Sign? I Have Your Number!“Brave…. Sullivan… excels at close-up portraits…. A novel with so much verve.” -The New York Times Book ReviewHow can you absolutely if you are going to be a national best selling novelist? The brilliant and swiftly rising author, J. Courtney Sullivan, joined Sharita for an hour that surely affirmed when a soul gravitates to their innate talents- it is equally important to choose the proper name to express them under along our journeys to attain the success we are ordained to reap. As always, the uncanny mysteries of Lexigrams, the tale that can be told from the letters within a name, gain more staggering evidence of their validity.J. COURTNEY SULLIVANYES, COURTNEY IS SET TO RISE AS A STELLAR STAR NOVELISTYES, COURTNEY IS TO SELL TONS O' NOVELSYES, COURTNEY SURE IS A TRUE TALE TELLERCOURTNEY'S NOVELS ARE ALL CAST IN A REAL "VERVE."J. Courtney Sullivan is the author of the New York Times bestselling novel, Commencement. Her writing h