Warren Whitlock

#tweetchat - Everything changes today



A change in the Twitter API means that many of the older Twitter Apps will cease to function (if they haven't already).  New, better apps are coming. We'll include them in shows starting today. One app we've been testing for the past six months is taking over for #tweetchat.  Since we were amongst the first to have a TwitterChat (Feb 2008 to write the first book about Twitter.. later turned to a radio show with chat that became this show). I'm going to talk about the history of chat for a minute or two, give a recommendation for today and then air a wonderful TwitterChat interview from our Profitable Social Media series. Enjoy the interview with Dabney Porte and tweet your ideas and questions to me on Twitter @WarrenWhitlock and we'll make sure to include answers in the next show.. where we will talk about the future of chat and why it's important for your business.