Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom

The Mind Mastery of Elite Achievers - Psychologist/coach to Olympians and Business Masters, Dr. Stan Beecham details how Elite Minds do – and you can – achieve.



Life demands more than a recipe. Those who accomplish great goals not only have planned out flexible strategies – they have examined exactly why they work and why they are following them. Host Bart Jackson brings on board professional sports psychologist and leadership consultant Dr. Stan Beecham to detail the thought processes at work for winning Olympians and business masters. Author of the highly acclaimed Elite Minds – How Winners Think Differently, Stan encourages us to squelch our insatiable obsessions with doing better – ever wanting more; to beware of culturally implanted limitations; to carefully scrutinize the pop several-step-success formulae; and get down to the business of doing our very best this very day. Tune in and get some solid advice for accomplishing your goals, and learn how it has worked for the best in their business.