

We've seen enough. There's enough to work with at this point to adopt the Internet's "multiple timeline theory" as being for real. In the podcast, we'll talk about the couple of times this episode where you can spot the clearest evidence so far. The run-time on this episode is a little on the longish side, but did you see that episode? So much happened! We've added Adam again this week and we just kept finding more to talk about. I know we're late, but... you know. Adam and I had Dr. Strange tickets. Let's catch up with all of our favorite characters: Delores: She shook off the prairie dress and, "aw, shucks," persona and traded up for something more in the Lara Croft vein. She's also been chatting with Arnold. The best theory going places Delores physically in the same location in two timelines. 35 years ago, she had an adventure with William and Logan. In the modern timeline, she's retracing her steps and seeing her memories play out before her. William: Wound up feeling conflicted about taking out a