

We've been looking forward to this one for a while. Carlton Cuse has been very active in the since LOST ended with The Bates Motel and The Strain, but this is the first series of his that jumped out to us. It doesn't hurt that we've had a little layoff in active programming since The Leftovers finale either. The series gets off to a very fast start and throws the main characters, Will and Katie, played by Josh Holloway (Sawyer from LOST) and Sarah Wayne Callies (Lori from The Walking Dead), into the thick of a plot that should make for some great TV. In the podcast we discuss everything in our usual scene by scene style and try to sort out just how this show is going to work. Right away the characters are going to be headed in very different directions and their motivations are not 100% clear. Do we think this is a strong start? Listen to find out! Direct iTunes link.