James Miller | Lifeology

Self-Soothing Behaviors - Guest: Michelle Tittl-Grill, a food scientist



Self-soothing behaviors are behaviors everyone utilizes to consciously or subconsciously alleviate any type of stress or anxiety. When we are aware of our version of self-soothing we can manipulate our five senses to change our mood or behavior. In this episode you will learn how you are influenced by your five senses and what your “go-to” sense is for decreasing certain emotions. My guest today is Michelle Tittl-Grill, B.S., a food scientist and a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America. She is going to explain how food is created and the five flavor profiles that influence our sense of taste. Understanding how food affects us may help those who struggle with overusing self-soothing behaviors with their sense of taste.   For more information please visit: www.JamesMillerLifeology.com. Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast and to my YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive 3 minute daily life lessons. Also, at www.JamesMillerLifeology.com you may enroll in the Lifeology Academy