Dads Of Great Students

#082 Dr. Stephen Sroka, The Power of One



The Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) Program is the largest school based father engagement program in the nation with nearly 4000 schools participating. Our special guest this week is Dr. Stephen Sroka. Dr. Sroka is an internationally recognized motivational speaker, trainer, author, teacher, professor and consultant. He often presents about at-risk youth, alternative education, reluctant learners, dropout prevention, brain based education, teaching to the whole child, character education, school safety, parenting and all hazards emergency planning for schools and communities, including H1N1. Each week, WatchDOGS Radio host Keith Schumacher and co-host Chris Danenhauer discuss how this program is impacting families and schools across our nation and in three foreign countries. Please join our audience and call in with your questions and comments.