Scalalaz Podcast

Выпуск 07



Темы: Прошедший Scala-митап в Москве Scala Up North 2016 David Russell - A Literally-Hands-On Introduction to Distributed Systems with Akka Cluster LambdaConf 2016 John A De Goes: MTL Versus Free Deathmatch - λC 2016 Daniel Spiewak: Emm A Sane Alternative to Monad Transformers in Scala - λC 2016 ( Scala world Generic Derivation: The Hard Parts—Travis Brown Pure Functional Database Programming with Fixpoint Types—Rob Norris Akka 2.4.12 released Freek v0.6.2 Reactive programming with Scala, Lagom, Spark, Akka and Play Scaling to Hundreds of Thousands of Persistent Connections on One Machine Scala Cats library for dummies Scala Tagged Types Sbt - локальные библиотеки Полезняшки: getclump fetch scala-httpc coursier Ведущие: Алексей Фомкин, Вадим Челышов, Алексей Романчук, Евгений Токарев