Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of the August 7, 2015 Creation Energies show at 8/8/8 provided energy to move further from your 3D being by slipping into your personal joy. That joy might be similar to what you experienced last year or something new. As you evolve, it's likely your joy evolves also. If your environments don't seem joyful, change your perceptions to find joy in the hidden corners of your being. Joy is your keyword for this 8/8/8 energy burst and beyond. Applying Your New Skill Set is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog for Overview of the August 14, 2015 Creation Energies show:   You have a complete skill set and you're new you in New Earth. Now start creating. It is no longer appropriate to blame the gods, the Universes or earth beings for your discomfort, pain for you're now fully new you. So start creating your dreams in joy. Perhaps you feel as if you remain in pain. It is time for you to know you're continuing that pain - no one else. Find