Queenmother4real Media




 HOT TOPICS WITH MAMA YEYE SPICY WEEKLY HOT TOPIC DISCUSSIONS  ABOUT  IFA. 9:00 P.M. CALL IN 347-989-0180 MEET MAMA YEYE Mama Yeye was born and raised in St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands! Her spiritual background began with my matriarchal linage of herbalist and spiritualist on both sides of my family. She had training in herbs began with her mother Elmira Farrell and her spiritual training began with a maternal great aunt, named Caroline E. Thomas and many members of her extended family unit whose names are too numerous to mention here. Mama Yeye says she give thanks and praises to all of our ancestors for without them, we would not be. Her first initiation was in 1991 into the order of Palo Mayombe as Yayi Nkizi (Mother of Spirits) to Mama Chola and Lucero by my late Tata Bisuako, in Miami, Fl. In 1999 she became initiated into Lukumi to Orisa Oshun Ibu Kole and Ogun, Alagbede by Iya Alabumi but was instructed by Ita to follow the Traditional route to Orisa, and she relocated back to the islands. In 200