Fit Talk With Melinda Corssino

That Signature Bikini Stage Look: Tips on Suits, Posing, Hair, Makeup & More



Work that stage ladies!  Learn all that goes into creating your signature 'Bikini Stage Look' from the best! We will touch on topics of suit design, posing, hair, makeup and much much more.  Kristy Leconte has been a working in the fitness industry for 10 years and is an IFPA Bikini Pro. She lives in Maine, loves dogs and all things SNL. Kristy has been competing from 3 years and recently won the 2015 Yorton Cup for Bikini.  Tawnya Cline resides currently in Scottsdale, Arizona with her husband Vince and my four legged boxer/pitbull, Simba. She has two adult children that no longer live at home. Tawnya and her husband own, Indulgence Head 2 Toe (a full service salon), Bronzing Head 2 Toe (spray tan business), and Nutrition Head 2 Toe where she spends most of her time. They offer customized meal plans and a FREE calendar of fitness activities for all ages, races, and sizes. She holds three Bikini Pro cards and one in Pro Sports Model.  Tawnya has obtained several sponsorships, and also coach a competition