Z2 Podcast: Comic Books & Pop Culture

Episode 63 - The Last Apartment-Cast



In this week's episode, it's the Z2 gangs last time recording in Zach's apartment as they are all moving into a house together! Aside from that, we kick things off with talking about the Overwatch Anniversary event and Zach's ranked dreams of hitting diamond being dead this season. Then we talk about the potential of a new Runaways comic series, since characters from the old line up have been teased with new designs by Marvel's twitter. It has potential, but could it be another failed attempt at rebooting a series from Marvel. After that, we discuss how the New Mutants movie will be going the full horror movie route, which we think is the right movie, as superhero movies like Deadpool and Logan have been successful by taking another genre and applying it to superhero characters. There was the news of Zack Synder stepping down from directing Justice League to deal with a family tragedy, which is just awful to hear happen to him and we wish him the best. Finally, our discussion this week revolves around DC Rebi