
Channeling Spirit by my guest co-host Nicole Gans Singer



As a child, I had clairvoyant abilities and regularly saw spirits, however I  never realized there was anything unique about that and I primarily saw them as friends. In 1991, I experienced a spiritual awakening and my life changed. I have since studied Tibetan Buddhism, and am empowered in Medicine Buddha, White Tara, Norjuma and Shambala through Khenchen Palden Sherab & Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal. I also practiced the purification practice of fasting, and prayer practice known as Nyungne several times & have spent years in regular meditation practice. I hold Reiki Master attunements in Sekhem-Seichim as well as Sekhmet Seichim. I also like to think of myself as a "teacher" of A Course in Miracles, rather than a "student".  I am married, and am a mother to an amazingly "awake" eleven year old son,  as well as a caretaker and friend to three cats, and one dog. The Masters wish to help with our ascension process, and their channeling is imbued with the higher realm energies, to help with our advancement.