
The Mama T and Mama Tay Show



 Hello and welcome to this powerful spiritual excavation team of Mama T and Mama Tay  who will help you dig in and figure out what is holding you back from being the best you can be.   Do you know your life path?   Most people don't and that is tonight's discussion topic! Join in or better yet, call in and ask Lisa Jo Davis to give you a 1-card reading to help you unravel the mystery and provide some direction.  This is not your mama's spirituality!  There is a new spiritual energy and that's what we want to help you tap into. If you like what you hear and feel you would benefit from a full energy healing session from either of us with indepth chakra clearing and energy healing using the TIME Heals method, here is the contact information.   Teri --; teri@angelspeakers; Tay --; email Lisa Jo --