
The Mama T and Mama Tay Show



Have you ever wondered who you are -- not the wife or husband of, daughter or son of, sister or brother of, aunt or uncle of, girlfriend/boyfriend of someone else but rather who YOU are? Call in and join the discussion on this topic. Tell us how you were able to find you again without the labels or if you or someone you care about are still searching for "you" call in at 929-477-1899. Let's get real.  Hello and welcome to this powerful spiritual excavation team of Mama T and Mama Tay  who will help you dig in and figure out what is holding you back from being the best you can be.   What do you need to release that is creating turmoil, confusion, unhappiness, and even physical problems in your life?  Do you even know where to begin?  Most people don't and that is why we are here!  Let us help you sift through and get rid of the crud and then once it is gone, we will call in the angels to help fill those holes with love and turn them into scars that will no longer emit the pain you are currently feeling.  This