
Daniel's Dash 5K For Concussion Awareness with Guest Co-Host David Brett



Daniel’s Dash for Concussion Awareness is inspired by Daniel Brett, a young man who loved football and made linebacker for his high school’s JV football team on August 24th, 2009. It was also his last day ever playing football. Daniel was pulled out of practice due to a possible concussion. In reality, no one realized Daniel had suffered numerous asymptomatic sub concussive and successive hits to the head while playing football. Even worse he kept returning to play.  Recent studies on concussions, especially multiple “small” concussions associated with youth athletes have shown startling dangers and disabilities from Second-Impact Syndrome to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE).  Disabilities from concussions are often undiagnosed; they don’t show up on MRIs, MRAs, or CT scans. But they do show up; from problems with thinking, memory, and reasoning to mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, loss of impulse control, and inability to make value judgments. It’s time to change the rules regarding c