
Hugz~Love: My Five-Month Journey From Cocoon To Butterfly Book Reading



In my journey to find myself I had to dig in and excavate old hurts, old emotions and pain -- some of which had laid there buried for years and years.  This book contains a 5-month period of uncovering some of the crud that was there.  I relate it to a crysallis in a cocoon and the process that it goes through, essentially dying to its old self to emerge as the beautiful butterfly, a totally new and beautiful creation that can soar and share its beauty with the world.  That beauty was inside me but was buried deep.  Once it was unearthed, this butterfly started flying and does not intend to stop except to smell the flowers along the way. Title:  Hugz~Love: My Five-Month Journey From Cocoon To Butterfly Author:  Teri Miller Available at: Email: