Prophecies Of The End Times Radio Ministry

Paul's Revelation of THE RAPTURE Part 1



We begin this 5 part series of the Apostle Paul's revelation of the rapture, the events leading up to the rapture, and what actually will occur according to scripture at the time of the rapture. The Rapture, as many have been told, is the removal of the Church, the body of believers that have been found worthy to escape the coming Great tribulation know as the Time of Jacob's Trouble, and also referred to as the Bride of Christ..The old testament refers to it as The Gathering and the Greek text calls it HARPAZO..the snatching away, taken by force out of arms way of danger.This description is found in KJV Verse Count Matthew 2 John4 Acts2 2 Corinthians 2 1 Thessalonians 1 Jude1 Revelation 1 We also take a look at flase doctrines that have been produced over the centuries discrediting the rapture, scoffers, mockers, and what the bible tells us would happen just prior to the return of Christ.