Prophecies Of The End Times Radio Ministry

The End of America



This broadcast, recorded 2 years ago gives shocking facts of what was predicted then, and what is happening now with the recent round of QE3 easing from the Fed. See how and listen to predictions of what we said along with others how the economy would be in 2012, and beyond. The economics of the current administration and the decisions of the middle east policies will push America into becoming a 3rd world country. We encourage you as Christians to get prepared to be involved in a recession that makes the GREAT Depression of the 20's and 30's look like a picnic. We will do a follow up broadcast of this episode in the near future giving additional information we have researched that points to the emergence of The Anti-Christ from the Middle East, and a growing knowledge of financial collapse coming to America is our hope and prayer that Christ will return soon to rapture the Church..but we must warn you, persecution is part of trials, and just how long the Lord will tarry we do not know. So we encou