Animation Station With Robbie And Tracy

Episode 83: A Scanner Darkly



Hey everybody! Welcome to episode 83 of the Not Joanna Eggs podcast! This week, Robbie and Tracy review the 2006 rotoscoped animated film, A Scanner Darkly. Based on the novel by Philip K Dick, this surreal film follows Bob Arctor, an undercover cop trying to locate the kingpin of a highly addictive drug known as Substance D permeating Anaheim, CA. We examine the semi-autobiographical nature of the story, Woody Harrelson's amazingly silly wig and how in the blue blazes Alex Jones was involved with this movie (yes, gay-frog-conspiracy-theorist turned meme-lord Alex Jones). Also, the exact amount of movie time to skip to make Venom enjoyable! We hope you enjoy this episode and thank you for listening! Please subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Podbean or anywhere you get your podcasts. If you have any requests or questions, find us on Twitter/Instagram or on the show website. And please enter our prize giveaway! Check Twitter and Instagram for details! Robbie Twitter: @lobster_writer, Insta: @lobsterw