Liberal Fix

Liberal Fix Radio With Guest Mike McCabe



Guest Mike McCabe brings a farming background and a professional lifetime of experience in politics, journalism, public sector management and nonprofit leadership to his work as he exposes government corruption and works for reforms that make people matter more than money in politics.  Mike is one of Wisconsin’s leading whistle blowers and is among the nation’s best political money trackers. His efforts have attracted the attention of national news networks including ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and Al-Jazeera English, as well as newspapers including The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and Wall Street Journal, and magazines such as Time and New Yorker. Among the many media organizations citing Mike’s work or quoting him in their stories are national news services such as The Associated Press, Bloomberg News, McClatchy and Reuters, as well as online political news sites like,, and Huffington Post. A much sought-after public speaker, Mike has made nearly 1,400 presenta