Women Camp




Join the conversation with Servola, Dr. Charlene, Samantha, and Tricia as we discuss mentorship in the destiny journey.  As we celebrate giving and the ultimate gift, our Savior Jesus Christ, we want to discuss mentorship - the importance of and the process of establishing a lasting legacy.  The Apostle Paul encourages us to follow him as he follows Christ.  Then he told us to commit what we've learned from him to like minded people.  Paul recognized that its only through mentorship and legacy building that a dream can become a vision, a vision can become a mission and a mission becomes a reality. What are you going to do with your dreams, visions and plans, so that they impact an expanding circle of influence?  To really establish your influence from one generation to the next, we must pass our heartfelt passion to the next generation. As courageous, anointed, mighty and powerful women, we must be willing to pass to the next generation of CAMP women, the torch that is now lit within us.  Join the conversatio