Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

128. True Warriors: The American experiment of independence.



The American Experiment to form a republic of states, not a democracy, where people are free to grow and have a say in Life, Liberty, and pursue happiness as long as the people can earn it.   That was the unique declaration of independence from English rule, which was simple someone else telling you what was right and wrong and their opinion didn’t have to be earned or proved effective.   Even then there was conflict in the struggle for power, the separation of that power, and the effort of the people to live up to the burden of maintaining a republic.   Some universal truths were known then and are still trying to wrestle with power and politicians seeking power for all the right reasons at the expense of the people. Leadership in a republic always struggle with power, struggle with the demands of people, and struggle with conflict with other nations. We have had every generation since independence go to war because politicians have an issue with power and people.   Families in a republic are always torn wit