Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

125. Navy SEAL No back up plan method with Thom Shea



No way out and no back-up plans in raising warrior children and warrior adults. There is nothing new under the sun. Really, all the human issues we are experiencing today are still the same foundational issues we have faced since the first humans. Albeit, technology has been introduced our father’s and mother’s of 1,000,000 years ago could not even fathom as possible, the human condition remains the same. What remains the same is the fact that humans operate at their peak performance in all areas when they don’t have a back-up plan in their life. In the world of excellence and achievement in any area around you, I ask you to find one person who achieved success by having a back-up plan? Find one. If you do contact me I want to bring you on and have you tell us the story of how someone succeeded by having a robust back-up plan while they were trying to win with the primary plan. I have just spent the past 29 years working with high achievers from the SEAL Teams to business leaders to ultra marathon athletes a