Unbreakable Podcast With Thom Shea

123. Navy SEAL, Memorial Day tribute to war and warriors.



Every generation will see war. Every mom and dad since 1776 wonders if their child will go to war or be killed by an enemy. History doesn’t lie nor do smart people forget this fact. Maybe the idea of memorial day is the remember. We tend to only look at the grave and recall the dead. And I agree we must never forget the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters. Yet there is a deeper forgetting that is happening that scares me. I walked up and down the streets of your country and the average person has forgotten our collective past. The books in school have no factual reflection on the past of the Unites States. Opinion and politics have rewritten the part of history that needs to be ingrained in every American. There is and always will be darkness and an enemy. There hasn’t been a gap more than 3 years since 1775 that we have not been in a conflict or battle. Right or wrong, believe it or not, war happens. So prepare yourself and your family and stop listening to the media or people who deny the realities. Here